I saw the documentary "Flow" this week. This movie is still playing at a few theaters around the Bay Area, and I recommend it highly. It shows the consequences of allowing corporations to privatize what has been a part of our environmental commons: Water. What happens when companies bottle municipal tap water? What happens when companies take over publicly owned water systems? What happens when cities, counties, states, and nations allow this transfer of control over drinkable water in a time of drastic climate change? It tells the story of Bechtel in Bolivia, our SF Presbytery mission partners through Joining Hands.
Flow is still playing at:
Shattuck Cinemas
2230 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley
2:45 pm 9:35 pm
1118 Fourth St., San Rafael
6:45 pm
Opera Plaza Cinema
601 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco
1:50 pm 4:40 pm 7:15 pm 9:50 pm